Please watch our video to get a good introduction and greater insight into the work we are doing.
We are a charity, working in partnership with Omaleshe Projects Namibia, using the teaching of dance, drama and drumming, and soccer as a means of raising HIV awareness and protection of harm from abuse amongst children. We believe implicitly in the physical and mental benefits that the energy and joy of dance, drumming and football brings for children living in difficult circumstances.

The HIV prevalence rate in Namibia is estimated at around 10% (UNAIDS 2017), and is likely to be higher in the regions within which Omaleshe Projects operates. This means that around 200,000 people out of a population of 2.1 million in Namibia are living with AIDS. The prevalence rate for women aged 15 to 49 is 15%. Young women and girls face a hightened vulnerability to AIDS.

Furthermore the level of gender based violence is high with 25% of women experiencing violence from their partner in the last year. (UN Women’s Global Database on Violence Against Women 2018) In 2017/18 Amnesty International found half a million Namibians are living in shacks and makeshift settlements.

Omaleshe is an oshiwambo word meaning young and vibrant and our vision is to bring joy, energy and confidence to orphans and vulnerable children and to help them to realize their potential and to protect themselves from harm and abuse. We are reliant on donations and if you would like to help us to continue our work you can donate online through
Please click on this link to see another video showing some of Omaleshe activities in action.
Please donate now!
Omaleshe Projects Trust is a registered UK charity through the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR), charity number: SC039501 and is also registered for Gift Aid with HM Customs & Revenue Charities Reference Number CR61076
Omaleshe Projects Namibia is a registered welfare organization, WO 336